CIVIC leaders in Eastleigh have called for an urgent meeting with Hampshire County Council amid rumours about the future of a primary school.

Councillor Chris Thomas has called on Hampshire County Council to have an urgent meeting with the borough to discuss the "current situation and future retention" of Norwood Primary School.

Rumours are rife about the future of Norwood.

Cllr Thomas said that he had become aware of the rumours when one of his son's friends, who attends The Crescent Primary School, in Toynbee Road, said that a letter had gone home to parents saying that its head teacher would be helping out at another school.

He said that parents had put two and two together and assumed that the other school was Norwood, which is in Chamberlayne Road.

The county council's Cabinet member for education, Councillor David Kirk, said that there were no plans to close Norwood.

Cllr Thomas said that he contacted Hampshire County Council, which told him that it was looking at "federating" the schools to solve the problem of Norwood struggling to find a permanent head teacher.

He said: "Norwood is well respected by parents who send their children there and they have a great deal of confidence in the teachers.

"We wish to see the school retained and its problems solved as a matter of urgency."

Councillor Glynn Davies-Dear said that he had spoken to Cllr Kirk, who was very concerned and agreed to the meeting. Cllr Kirk said this week that the meeting was being arranged.

He said: "That school is an integral part of the life of any town in this county and I am more than happy to discuss the current situation.

"I would like to reiterate that there are no plans to shut Norwood Primary School."