POLICE are hunting a hit-and-run driver after a cyclist with a broken neck was left for dead in the New Forest.

The 48-year-old rider also suffered severe concussion in the collision, which occurred near an isolated set of crossroads north of Brook.

The driver sped off, leaving the badly injured cyclist lying helplessly at the side of the road.

He was eventually discovered by a passer-by and taken to hospital, where he was treated for a fractured vertebra and other injuries.

The cyclist was riding home in the dark when the accident happened on the B3078 Brook to Fordingbridge road.

Despite wearing a highly visible fluorescent jacket and displaying lights on the front and rear of his cycle, he was hit by a vehicle near the Fritham turn-off.

One of the vehicle's rear view door mirrors was knocked off by the impact.

A police spokesman said: "The cyclist was discovered by a passing member of the public, who called an ambulance that took him to Southampton General Hospital.

"He was admitted to intensive care, where he was treated for a fractured neck vertebra, severe concussion, a laceration to an ear and bruising.

"Police need to hear from anyone who saw the crash, has any information about the incident or is aware of a vehicle with a missing black plastic door mirror.

"Anyone who was driving along the road at the time should also contact the police as they may be able to assist with the investigation."

The accident happened on November 16 but the victim was initially too ill to be interviewed and details were not released until yesterday.

He has been discharged from hospital and is recovering at his Breamore home but still has no memory of the accident.

Ring PC Nick Young at the Roads Policing Unit at Totton police station on 0845 045 4545 or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.