CAMPAIGNERS from the Southampton branch of the Alzheimer's Society have presented a 4,000 signature petition to city MP John Denham demanding that health bosses open up drugs treatment to sufferers.

The petition has been signed by carers, people with dementia and others concerned about the decision by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), to restrict dementia drugs to those who have the moderate stage of the disease.

It was presented to Mr Denham at his weekly surgery in the city's Eastpoint centre on Friday.

Campaigners say that the treatments are proven to have real benefits to people at all stages of the disease and cost just £2.50 per person per day.

Lynda Taylor Southampton branch manager of the Alzheimer's Disease Society said: "To be given a diagnosis of dementia is desperate enough. To then be told by your GP that you will have to go away and get far worse before any treatment will be made available is totally unethical and cruel.

"We are shocked and full of disbelief at this clearly disgraceful decision."

Two weeks ago the society staged a protest attended by former Saints manager Lawrie McMenemy and MPs John Denham, Alan Whitehead, Sandra Gidley and Chris Huhne.