Education staff from Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust are celebrating being awarded the Quality Badge for Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) for the second time, and it’s good to understand why this accreditation is so important.

The external assessment checks the quality of the delivery of the outdoor sessions with children, the policies and procedures. The scheme is managed by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom and provides a recognised indicator of quality educational provision.

The Quality Badge makes it easier for teachers to incorporate LOtC into the everyday curriculum, giving children the opportunity to have educational experiences which directly benefit their educational attainment and social development.

The Wildlife Trust’s education service aims to give children from across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, positive encounters with the natural environment through a range of activities, both curricular and extra-curricular, throughout the year.

Through activities such as den building, campfire cooking, scavenger hunts and green woodwork, participants are able to learn new skills and explore the natural habitat throughout the seasons.