AIR traffic controllers based in Hampshire have reported an increase in flights compared to the same time last year.

They say that UK air traffic is one per cent higher for July this year than 2012.

NATS, the UK air traffic control provider, which has its headquarters at Swanwick, handled 209,845 flights during the month, up from 207,871 the year before.

However, overall figures for the year are still behind where they were 12 months ago.

NATS provides air traffic control from centres in Swanwick and Prestwick, Ayrshire as well as at 15 UK airports.

Delays caused by air traffic control were up from last year’s record lows, standing on average at 6.3 seconds per-flight in July.

NATS said this was partly due to the transition to the new control tower at Manchester Airport, but also a technical problem that was experienced at NATS’ Swanwick control centre on July 9.