There are two ways to view a situation whereby a child not yet four years old steps in to do your job for you! It's either time to go - or it's time to be hailed for pulling a masterstroke.

After last night, I'll stick with the latter. Aladdin's opening night went down a scream - literally - with my boy Liam, who was still going strong a good two hours after his usual bedtime.

From first scene to last, he was gripped, joining in at every opportunity with the rest of an enthusiastic audience - young and not-so-young alike.

The way he barked at baddie' Abanazer (Jack Corcoran) to protect Aladdin (Andrea Sadler), with both pursuing a quest for fortune and the hand of the beautiful Princess Jasmin (Zahra Browne), was almost scary.

Being as captivated as he was, Liam's recommendation carries far more weight than mine ever could. All I can say is kids will love this.

Billed as the boldest and brightest production in the theatre's history, it certainly didn't disappoint, with colourful characters, exotic locations, a rip-roaring story and more than a touch of magic.

Liam, meanwhile, was fast asleep within minutes of leaving the theatre. He'd been there, seen that and shown his appreaciation throughout. Job done.

I can't compete with that!

Simon Straker