IT is one of the most memorable views in the world, but despite scaling the heights of Sydney Harbour Bridge Tom McInulty will not see the spectacular scene around him.

What makes Tom's daredevil climb for charity all the more courageous is the fact that the 54-year-old is blind.

Before he set off on his adventure from his Hampshire home, he said: "I am not brilliant at heights so it is just as well that I cannot see."

Tom has already planned to spend his Christmas holidays in Australia but then the chance came along for for him to take part in the famous Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb.

He will be accompanied by friends who will provide a running commentary. Tom will be among a 12-strong party of climbers who will be taken right into the heart of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

They will climb stairs and catwalks and wind their way through a tangle of hatchways and steel girders suspended above the traffic.

At the top they will climb between the arches to the summit, 134 metres above the water. The whole bridge climb experience on December 21 takes about three hours.

Tom, who will be wearing safety gear, had to get special clearance to do the climb but he said: "It is going to be a bit of a challenge but I am looking forward to it."

Tom has been blind for 23 years and has worked for the Hampshire Association for the Care of the Blind (HACB). He is also turning his once in a lifetime experience into a sponsored event by raising desperately needed funds for the charity.

For the past year he has been working as the Eye Clinic Patient Support Officer at Southampton General Hospital.

When he was in the Merchant Navy he spent some time in Australia and says: "Some of my friends moved out there so it will be good to catch up."

After scaling the dizzy heights of Sydney Harbour Bridge Tom is looking forward to having his Christmas lunch on Bondi Beach. To sponsor Tom contact HACB on 023 8064 1244.