A cancer sufferer has had a bench dedicated to her struggle – and her survival.

Cancer Research UK has honoured Joh Foster’s overcoming of the disease with a bench at her favourite pub, the King Rufus in Chandler’s Ford.

A plaque on it reads: “Joh Foster loved sitting here… and still does thanks to everyone who Stands Up To Cancer.”

The location has emotional significance for the 32-year-old because it was here following her diagnosis that Joh, from Chandler’s Ford, made a promise to herself that she would survive her illness to be there for partner Martyn and their four-year-old son Archie. 

She was given the devastating news by doctors that she had cancer after she found a lump.

She said: “The moment I found the lump I knew it was not going to be good news. During the wait I kept envisaging going back to the doctors to get the results and it was going to be bad news and so I prepared myself for the worst. 

“Martyn was therefore more shocked than me when cancer was confirmed. 

“He was thinking about what would happen if the worst came to the worst. He was worried about how he could explain to Archie why his mum is not here anymore and how he and Archie would cope.”

Joh, who chose not to dwell on the worst case scenario, faced surgery to remove the tumour before a course of chemotherapy treatment. 

A business intelligence analyst with an insurance company she has since taken some time off and is recovering well. 

Joh’s bench is one of a series being placed around the UK as part of the Stand Up To Cancer project – a joint fundraising campaign between Cancer Research UK and Channel 4.

Joh urged everyone to get behind the campaign.

“It’s a great way of showing that people can survive this devastating disease,” she said. 

“I hope everyone who sees it[the bench] will be inspired to help create more tomorrows for people like me and my family by getting involved.”

For more information and to get involved visit standuptocancer.org.uk.