FAREHAM and Gosport police are going head on in their fight against crime. Miniature cameras are being fitted on the side of police officers' hats or helmets so they can record incidents to use as evidence.

Eight head-cams, costing £5,400, are being bought by Hampshire Constabulary and will swing into action in Fareham and Gosport.

Officers there will be the first in Hampshire to use them.

If successful they will be rolled out across Hampshire in this latest crime- busting initiative.

Each camera, which is roughly about the size of an AA battery, is linked to a portable hard drive.

Then footage of the crime is uploaded from the officer's hard drive to a secure computer system and then on to the DVD.

Police constables and police community support officers will wear the cameras on patrol and the film can be shown to the public, for example to parents of children involved in antisocial behaviour.

It can also be used as evidence in court proceedings.