FRIENDS of Saints fan left in hospital after an attack are urging homeowners to keep his business afloat while he fights for life in hospital.

Mr Davis has been in a coma since suffering serious head injuries in an incident involving youths in Hythe more than two weeks ago.

His double-glazing company, Hampshire Window Surgeon Ltd, is currently being run by his business partner and best friend, Vinny Carroll.

Now people living in the Hythe and Waterside area are being urged to help the two men by keeping their firm supplied with work.

A message on social media says: “Vincent Carroll is doing what he can, not only to earn himself his wage, but also to pay Jason’s bills.

“If anyone out there has work to do with windows, doors and conservatories, please contact Vinny.”

In a similar message Mr Carroll adds: “We carry out a vast range of home improvements including brickwork, patios, plumbing, electrics – in fact a comprehensive home maintenance package.”

As reported in the Daily Echo, Mr Davis was walking along New Road in Hythe on October 25 when he was attacked and knocked to the ground.

The 47-year-old Saints fan was taken to the neurological unit at Southampton General Hospital and admitted to intensive care.

Mr Davis, 47, of Dibden Purlieu, was initially given only a 50-50 chance of surviving the brutal beating, but messages left on social media suggest he may have shown a slight improvement.

Police patrols in the Hythe area were stepped up in the wake of the attack.

Two 15-year-old boys were arrested at the scene on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm with intent and a third boy – aged just 14 – was detained by officers a short time later. All three were questioned and later released on bail.

Last night a police spokesman said officers involved in the investigation were still taking statements and collecting forensic evidence.

Anyone wishing to contact Hampshire Window Surgeon Ltd should call Mr Carroll on 023 8084 2288 or 07802 65777.