STUDENTS and staff at a college in Hampshire paid their respects to the fallen in a service on Remembrance Day.

Fareham College's service marked Armistice Day, the day when the Allies and Germans signed a peace to effectively bring the First World War to an end.

Students and staff held two minute's silence at 11am before poppy wreaths were laid and poppy crosses laid in a garden of remembrance.

Second year Level Three Uniformed Services student Callum Stephens, laid a wreath on behalf of the students of the College.

He said: "Attending the service today means a lot to me as I wish to serve our country in the future.

"The sacrifices that have been made are something that has influenced our culture and our everyday lives. It is something everyone should remember.”

Crestwood College also honoured the nation's fallen servicemen with readings, poetry and musicla performances during a special ceremony.

The college's technology department had created a model of the RAF roundel with a Lancaster bomber sat its centre and students from each tutor group pinned a commemorative Spitfire to it at the end of the service.

Former governor Jill Lowne said: “The service was absolutely amazing and the pupils were so well behaved and respectful throughout, many of the audience were moved to tears by the experience."