STUDENTS at a school in Bitterne have celebrated wining an award.

Bitterne Park School Year Eight pupils were each awarded the Silver Crest by UCAS.

A specially selected group of 125 students took part in a two-term long project.

They came up with a solution to combat the problem of FOG (Fat Oil and Grease) in the national sewer system.

Some of the solutions involved laser sensor systems and a system to repurpose used bath water for watering plants in a greenhouse.

Some of the more enterprising teams arranged a meeting with headteacher Susan Trigger, to possibly include these ideas into the school’s new build.

Deputy headteacher Pan Panayiotou said: “This was the highest number of Silver Crest awards completed in one go from one place in the south.

“The project would not have been possible without the hard work from the Science Department, and not forgetting the input from our Year 9 students. Well done to them all.”