A TEACHER who saved a student's life by using a defibrillator will shave her head to raise money and awareness of the vital pieces of medical equipment.

While applying for a job last year, Emma Denham leapt into action when pupil Sam Mangoro had a heart attack during her PE lesson interview.

Miss Denham, 41, performed CPR and used a defibrillator to restart the youngster's heart at the Mountbatten School in Romsey.

She did not manage to secure the job she was being interviewed for, but the incident had a profound affect on her and since then she has worked tirelessly to raise awareness of the need for defibrillators.

Now she is having her head shaved to raise money for the charity SADS UK which promotes the importance of defibrillators in public places.

Miss Denham, said: "If I can raise £2,000 I am going to get my head shaved - all my friends think I am absolutely barmy but I feel so passionate about this and want to raise awareness of defibrillators.

"There is a lot of ignorance around the use of defibrillators and people are scared of using them.

"You do not need to have used one in the past because they are so simple to use - providing you know how do CPR.

"It is as simple as riding a bike and if they are not used many people could loose their lives."

Miss Denham's fundraising head shave is taking place on Saturday, November 14 at the Jolly Sailor pub in Bursledon, and you can donate by visiting uk.virginmoneygiving.com/EmmaDenham.

The money raised will pay for an all-weather box to keep a defibrillator on the outside wall of the pub allowing for the local community to have constant access to it.

So far the teacher from Bursledon has raised almost £900 of her £2,000 target which would see her shave her head completely bald if she reached it.

But even if she does not reach her goal, Miss Denham said she would probably get her head shaved quite short, but not completely bald, due to all the generous donations that have already been given.