STUDENTS stood in solidarity with those affected by the tragic massacre in Paris at a candle-lit vigil in Southampton.

More than 150 people gathered outside the Hartley Library to remember the lives of 129 people killed in the attack in France.

A large number of French natives were present and the group held a minute’s silence before singing La Marseillaise loud and proud.

Jonathan Pradel, an event organiser, said it isn’t just about people remembering those who have died but to show that people of all back grounds are willing to stand strong in the face of fear.

Jonathan, 21, who is half French and spent 15 years living in Grenoble, said: “I have friends in Paris who said they could hear the gunshots.

“When the news broke I felt sick.

“For something like this to happen twice in two years is terrible, but the French people have shown such great resolve and determination not to be beaten by these attacks.”

As the students stood in silence, one of French natives spoke in his native tongue trying to portray his emotions, which was met by a round of applause.

Jonathan addressed the group saying: “We live together, work together and if we fall apart we are showing ISIS that they have won.

“We need to stand united.”

Eva Giacometti-Mahiou, 21, has been at the university since September, but all her family and friends live in Paris.

She said: “Thankfully all my friends and family are safe, but everyone knows someone who has been affected.

“Now the best thing the French people can do is just go back to their normal lives and show that we are not defeated.”