SHE IS her "soul mate, best friend and love of her life."

Hilly the guide dog has transformed her owner's life and made it worth getting out every day.

Nicky West has be partially sighted from birth because of a condition which attacks her immune system.

The 45-year-old from Romsey was diagnosed with Nystagmus when she was born and has always struggled with the condition, which causes the eye muscles to constantly move, making it very painful to be outside in daylight.

Almost 11 years ago, Nicky was fed up of being house bound and limited to going out only when her family were available to help and she decided to take a risk and get a job as a volunteer in Southampton.

It meant getting public transport and using a cane to get around during the day, but a few months into the job on her way to work Nicky was hit by a car in London Road.

She hit the floor and had a nasty wound to her head and severe bruising to one side, but Nicky said her confidence was damaged the most.

She said: "I had been building my confidence back up again but the moment that car hit me it was like everything just disappeared from me, I lost it all and found it unbearably hard to get around after that.

"It was around that time that someone mentioned about getting a guide dog, which I had never considered because my condition doesn't mean I'm completely blind, my eye muscles are just very sensitive and I can't see outside by I can indoors."

Nicky has been a guide dog owner for 10 years now and three-year-old Hilly is her fourth.

She said: "I just don't know what I would do without Hilly, she is my best friend, my support, my left-hand girl and I love her to bits. She is the most amazing, careful and clever dog and I'm so glad I decided to make that call to see if I could have a dog. My sight lives through Hilly, she has given me my life back and my confidence has just catapulted thanks to her.

"I just want to share my story because I know that Guide Dogs receive no government funding, it is down to generous people donating so thank you to everyone who does something to help people like me. You are all truly life changing."