POLICE are stepping up their investigation into a horrific crash at a party that left 14 people injured.

Eyewitnesses at the glamorous charity event in a Hampshire village said the scene was “like a bomb going off” as a car crashed through a marquee at Dene Farm in Nether Wallop.

The incident happened at about 11pm on Saturday, October 3, and a man was arrested shortly afterwards.

Now detectives say they are keen to hear from anyone who was at the party to help them piece together what happened.

A Hampshire Police spokesman said: “Officers have spoken to a number of people at the party but are keen to speak to as many witnesses as possible.”

As reported by the Daily Echo, chaos broke out at the popular NW Hamper Ball late in the evening.

A witness said: "The car reversed and then went forward and all of a sudden it went straight through the tent.

“It caught the table nearest the entrance way hitting lots of people on the dance floor, and it took another five tables out.

"There was at least 12 people on the ground being treated. People were screaming and my wife saw one chap go straight over the bonnet of the car.”

Anyone with information on the incident is asked to call 101 and ask to speak to PC Stephen Johnson at Whitchurch Roads Policing Unit on 101 and quote reference number 44150344089.