AN INNOVATION centre in Hampshire is almost 80 per cent full just eight months after opening.

Fareham Innovation Centre, which provides occupiers with advice and support to help them start and grow their businesses, has got off to a flying start.

To date 80 jobs, mainly from the marine, automotive, aerospace and engineering sectors, have been created at the £5.3m centre, which launched in April and is operated by Oxford Innovation on behalf of owner Fareham Borough Council.

There are now 16 businesses on site and a further 20 regularly using the drop-in facilities at the centre by the former HMS Daedalus airfield at Lee-on-the-Solent The centre has 15 light-manufacturing workshops and 24 offices, from 200 sq ft to 800 sq ft, for between one to 10 people.

It celebrated achievements with its inaugural Open for Business event which was attended by more than 100 people attended.

Guest speakers were Councillor Seán Woodward, leader of the borough council, Chris Allington, Oxford Innovation’s managing director, and Gary Jeffries, chairman of Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

Mr Woodward told guests: “We agreed targets with Oxford Innovation, back in March, that the centre would be one-third occupied by this time.

"The amazing news is that we are now touching 80 per cent occupancy, with something like 80 jobs we have been able to bring into the building.”

Daily Echo:

He added: "We look forward to the centre being at capacity in not too many months to come.”

Mr Allington said that such a rapid take-up of space was almost unprecedented in his experience.

Only one other centre managed by the company in the heart of Oxford has matched Fareham.

He added: “We have to run buildings to do what we do, but that’s actually not what we are about - what we are about is supporting businesses here in the centre, here in the locality, to grow.

“Hopefully they will leave the centre when they get too large but stay in the district, keep growing and keep delivering jobs.

“This is just one of three centres in the Solent region.

"We need more capacity already and it is a lovely problem to have.”

Detailing the regional picture, Mr Jeffries described how small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) have an “absolute critical part to play” in driving economic growth right across the Solent area.

He added: “Our vision for the Enterprise Zone is to create a world-class hub for advanced manufacturing and technology within the marine, aerospace and aviation sectors.”

Occupants enjoy various benefits, including a 100 per cent business rate discount worth up to £275,000 per business over a five-year period.

Thanks to the achievements to date at the centre, the council earned the Federation of Small Businesses’ Most Innovative Small Business Friendly, Programme, Campaign or Project at the 2015 FBS awards.