BURGLARS have struck three times in the Chandler’s Ford area in recent days.

Police are appealing for witnesses to the trio of raids.

The first took place in Pine Road, between 8.15am and 1.15pm on Tuesday November 17, with the offenders kicking in a UPVC panel in the back door.

They made an untidy search and stole cash and jewellery, including a Tiffany engagement ring and a wedding ring.

On the same day, another home in Park Road was burgled, some time between 10am and 2.15pm, with the raiders gaining entry using the same method.

An untidy search of the house was carried out and around £1,000 cash was stolen.

Officers are also investigating a burglary in Peverells Road two days later, on November 19, between 11am and 7.15pm.

The offenders gained entry by forcing open a conservatory door and stole an amount of cash and at least £6,000 worth of jewellery.

Officers believe the three may be linked and are appealing for witnesses.

Contact PC Matt Blake at Southampton Central police station on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.