HAMPSHIRE firefighters will be able to use specially adapted masks to give potentially lifesaving care to animals.

Hampshire Fire and Rescue has been given a number of oxygen masks designed to help animals, principally cats and dogs, rescued from fires.

Four sets of three masks, which were provided by the not-for-profit organisation Smokey Paws with funds donated by Denplan, have now been distributed to each of the county’s animal rescue specialists, including one at Lyndhurst.

Jim Green, Hampshire Fire and Rescue Animal Rescue Specialist, said: “In 2013/14 our animal rescue specialists attended 40 fires.

“With around 60 per cent of households having pets, these masks can mean the difference between life and death for the cats and dogs we rescue.

“Animal Rescue Specialists attend every animal related incident in Hampshire and these masks will have an immediate positive impact.”

Daily Echo:

Professor Josh Slater, British Animal Rescue and Trauma Care Association, added: “Any animal suffering from smoke inhalation requires urgent veterinary medical attention. “However their chances are vastly improved if they receive oxygen at the scene, before they reach the care of the vet.

“Firefighters have successfully revived animals in the past by adapting human equipment, however these purpose made masks will significantly improve their chance of survival.”

Brian Lockyer, from Smokey Paws, said: “We believe it is likely that hundreds of pets suffer from smoke inhalation across the UK every year.

“Pet oxygen masks significantly increase survival rates, as the human oxygen masks are ineffective on most pets.

“Smokey Paws’ mission is to raise enough money through public donations, to equip every First Responder in the UK with these lifesaving masks.

“We believe every pet deserves the same chance of survival as other family members do.”