TESCO delivery drivers near Southampton may be balloted for industrial action in protest at the way Scottish colleagues have been treated.

Drivers at the Nursling depot may be asked for their views on national action.

Shop stewards in the T&G section of Unite have called for a strike vote in support of the drivers at Livingston near Edinburgh. It's claimed they have been told to sign up to new terms and conditions of work or face losing their job as the depot transfers to a new location 500 yards down the road.

Following a recent meeting they agreed to launch a national campaign against Tesco to defend against changes to their pay, terms and conditions.

The Livingston drivers will hold a three-day strike in the run up to the busy Bank Holiday weekend.

Ron Webb, T&G section of Unite national secretary for transport, said: "Tesco is wrong to say the dispute is just about how people are paid.

"It is about losses of between £3,000 and £6,000 a year which are at issue along with losing the protection of their union.

"Our shop stewards see the attack on the Scottish drivers as the first shot in a national attack by the company."