PROSECUTORS in Hampshire are to allow invited members of the public to scrutinise their court files to ensure that they deal with domestic violence, homophobic and racist crime effectively.

James Kellam of the Crown Prosecution Service said members of different communities affected by these types of so called 'hate crimes' would be able to take part.

"By looking at our files they can scrutinise the way we handle hate crime cases. Watch this space for the results of their scrutiny," he said.

Mr Kellam was speaking during a hate crime conference held at The Anne Frank exhibition at Winchester's Great Hall hosted by Hampshire Constabulary.

He was accompanied on a panel of speakers by Peter Downton, area head of operations for the court service, Margaret Ward, chief executive of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Victim Support and Jackie Hall, Probation Service area business manager.

All spoke out of the importance of reaching out to different communities who find themselves the victims of hate crime.

For the full story from last night's conference see today's Daily Echo