A CONTROVERSIAL fake speed camera has reappeared by the side of a Hampshire road.

Hampshire Constabulary confirmed last month that the camera, which was attached to a lamp post beside the northbound carriageway of the A343 in Enham Alamein, did not belong to them.

As previously reported the fake camera was put in place beside the 30mph road, which is regarded by residents in Enham Alamein as a speeding hotspot.

Some motorists insisted the camera would make drivers brake suddenly and dangerously while others believed it safely reduced speed.

Just days later the camera was removed but it has now reappeared and been attached to a telephone pole at the side of the A343.

Resident David Hayward said: "It is good to see the speed camera return to the village of Enham Alamein, restoring an element of safety and reduced traffic speed.

"Given the nature of most of the village residents, safety is the prime consideration, and to those who say that warning signs are not present, the photo shows evidence to the contrary."