IT was the worst nightmare imaginable – but hope is on the horizon for a Hampshire teenager with leukaemia.

Zara Al Shaikh is bravely battling blood cancer and her family had appealed to members of the public in the Daily Echo to register as potential blood stem cell donors with Delete Blood Cancer UK.

And now good news has finally arrived as a donor has been found.

Zara, 13, will have the donation in the coming weeks after thousands of people registered to help save a life.

She said: ““Amazing news! I've got a match.

“Thank you to everyone for the wonderful support and that special person for being on the register.”

For many blood cancer patients, including Zara, a blood stem cell donation is their only chance of survival and they will die if a match isn’t found.

Jenny Clegg, Head of Communications at Delete Blood Cancer UK, has said that everyone at the charity was overjoyed at the news.

He said: “It is wonderful that a match has been found for Zara.

“We are so happy for Zara and her family and our thoughts will be with them as she prepares for the donation.

“Our thoughts are always with the wonderful person who took the time to register as a potential donor, and who will now help save Zara’s life.”

To register visit