TWO BROTHERS were spotted giving high fives and fist bumps to a friend on a train in the hour after an acid attack in Southampton, a court was told.

Jurors at Southampton crown court were shown CCTV footage of Geoffrey and Billy Midmore as they caught a train and sat laughing and giving their friend Joshua Gordon high fives and fist bumps, around 40 minutes after Carla Whitlock was "virtually blinded" after having drain cleaner thrown in her face.

Footage has shown the brothers catching a train from Southampton Airport Parkway station to Basingstoke, where the court previously heard they then stayed with friend Kirsty Nish.

CCTV has also revealed the movements of the brothers in the days and hours leading up to the acid attack of Southampton mum Carla and showed footage of Billy calling for a taxi from a Premier Inn Hotel near where the incident happened just after 9pm.

Footage shown in the trial of Billy Midmore, 22, today has also showed the brothers visiting Homebase in Auckland Road on September 18 last year, the day of the attack.

From a statement previously read by prosecutor Kerry Maylin, the court heard from Carrie Lynne Lillywhite who served the brothers who had been asking for the drain cleaner One Shot but the store was out of stock.

Miss Maylin told the court that records then showed the brothers had gone to Plumbase Southampton.

OIC trainee DC Robert Munroe told the court that an image they had seized from a witness's phone revealed Geoffrey Midmore had sent a picture of a box of One Shot to a friend on What's App with the caption "this is the one. Face melter."

Mr Munroe told the court they could tell from this photo that it was taken near Harley Davidson in Millbrook which is near Plumbase.

CCTV footage of the brothers walking into McDonald's in Millbrook was played, showing them with a box which looked like One Shot packaging.

Jurors were also shown footage of a group walking through Guildhall Square outside of Turtle Bay where the attack happened.

Mr Munroe told the court that although it was difficult to make out definite faces CCTV following the group from London Road to the square and then towards the town centre showed there were "similarities" to the Midmore brothers.

The court also watched clips of the brothers catching taxis from different addresses across Southampton in the days before the attack as well as a clip of Billy getting into a taxi at The Premier Inn in Southampton to pick up his brother after the attack took place.

The footage sees Billy waiting for his brother to get into the taxi and then Geoffrey approaches the vehicle and gets in the back seat while their friend Joshua Gordon sits in the front.

As Geoffrey gets into the taxi the footage shows Billy repeatedly make a 'shh' motion, holding his finger up to his mouth as a signal to be quiet as the taxi takes them to Southampton Airport Parkway.

Geoffrey Midmore, 26, has pleaded guilty to one count of causing GBH with intent.

Billy, 22, of no fixed abode has denied the same charge.