A YOUNG girl who collects shoes to raise money for a vital Hampshire service has been nominated for an award.

At just 11-years-old, Phoebee Corcoran has already been fundraising for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance (HIOWAA) for the past three years.

The youngster does this by collecting shoes for the HIOWAA’s Re-Use Ya Shoes campaign, which takes donated footwear of all kinds and conditions and sells them through reputable traders abroad.

If the shoes are in a very bad condition they are used for parts to repair other footwear, meaning nothing is wasted.

The money raised then goes towards helping keep the HIOWAA in the air and performing its lifesaving work.

Phoebee was inspired to get involved with the charity after visiting her mum Stephanie, an assistant practitioner in radiology at Southampton General Hospital.

Phoebee said: “I collect shoes so we can keep the air ambulance in the air and it is also good fun and it’s really exciting to be nominated.”

“My mum works in the NHS hospital and I saw all the helicopters flying around and landing and I asked my mum about it.

“She said it was to help people if they are poorly. There is a boy at my school whose sister had to go in the air ambulance and if it was not for them she would not be alive.”

But that is not the only reason Phoebee has been nominated as her mum Mrs Corcoran, 39, explained: “She had gone on a cruise with her grandparents and she was in the lift with them when a couple came in, but the lady collapsed. Phoebee had learned basic life support at Brownies and she checked then ladies breathing and pulse and stopped the lift.

“She then ran down nine flights of stairs to the reception and got someone to help.”

The Daily Echo has been launching Southampton council’s St George’s Day awards which celebrate the the people who make the city what it is.

Phoebee has now been nominated for the category Young Person or People who have Improved Life and Wellbeing in the Southampton City Region.

She is one of more than 20 other people and groups who have been nominated for the awards and the winners will be announced at the St George’s Day Festival event on the day itself, on Saturday, April 23.

The festival is taking place at The 1865 in Brunswick Square, Southampton.