JURORS trying a man accused of being involved in an acid attack on a Southampton mum have heard the closing speeches of the defence and prosecutor in the case.

Prosecuting Kerry Maylin told jurors in the trial of Billy Midmore at Southampton Crown Court that he had taken part in a “joint enterprise” by working with his brother Geoffrey to arrange an attack with One Shot drain cleaner on Carla Whitlock outside of Turtle Bay in Guildhall Square on September 18 last year.

Defending, Mark Ruffell said there were “inaccuracies” in the evidence given by the crown and argued Midmore, 22, is innocent because he had left his brother before they went Turtle Bay that night.

Over the course of the trial, the jury has seen CCTV images of the brothers in Southampton, attempting to buy the drain cleaner it is claimed and as well as given what is said are high fives to a friend on a train in the hours after the alleged attack.

Carla Whitlock was left virtually blind in one eye following the attack and with severe scarring to her face.

The jury will sit again on Monday when Judge Ralls QC will sum up the case and ask them to retire and consider their verdict.

Billy Midmore, 22, of no fixed abode, denies causing GBH with intent.

His brother Geoffrey, 26, has admitted one charge of causing GBH with intent.