SCORES of runners pounded the streets to help make a dream come true for a six-year-old boy suffering from cerebral palsy.

They took part in a fun run held in aid of Reuben Smith, of Whiteley, near Fareham, who is confined to a wheelchair.

His parents, Mike and Haanagh, are about to take delivery of a new vehicle that will have to be specially adapted.

Family friends Steve and Amanda Davies, also of Whiteley, are bidding to raise £10,000 to meet the cost of the modifications.

They staged the fun run at Whiteley Business Park. The event attracted almost 100 entrants and is thought to have netted £1,000, taking the total raised so far to about £7,500.

Steve, a 35-year-old company director, is planning to swell the coffers still further by taking part in this year's London Marathon on April 24.

He said: "Reuben is unable to walk and relies heavily on his wheelchair. For him, unlike most six-year-old boys, days down the park and the beach don’t exist.

"His parents have ordered a brand new vehicle that will enable the family to make all the everyday journeys the rest of us take for granted.

"But the new vehicle needs ramps and ancillary equipment so that Reuben can be transported around with ease in his wheelchair.

"Without this he will be confined to a living room and a classroom for the majority of his childhood."