A CONTROVERSIAL development is one step closer to being built after a heated planning meeting.

Council chiefs have given approval to a 20,000ft distribution park on the outskirts of Southampton.

As previously reported in the Daily Echo, the development in Test Lane, Redbridge, caused upset since it was given planning permission in October last year.

Last night’s meeting saw councillors discuss conditions that had been imposed upon the development, known as a section 106, and whether or not to pass the planning permission that had been granted to a planning officer, bringing the development one step closer to reality.

Independent Redbridge ward councillor Andrew Pope, who attended the meeting at Southampton’s Civic Centre, called for the plans to be completely rejected and questioned whether councillors Nigel Hecks and Sharon Mintoff should be on the planning committee as they had not attended earlier meetings.

Cllr Hecks said: “This is not an application for planning permission and it seems quite unreasonable that residents should be asking to speak on the matter,” to which one resident shouted: “You don’t have to live there do you.”

Members of the public were permitted to speak and Eugene McManus, the chairman of the local resident’s association, said: “We do not feel the section 106 goes far enough to protect the amenities.

“Residents should not be affected and there is nothing within this 106 to offer that protection we would ask for a deferral so we could review the 67 page document and digest it.”

Denise Wyatt, who is contesting Cllr Lee Whitbread’s seat in Redbridge, said: “The land is being sold to an offshore company [Transeuropean V (Southampton) Ltd] established two months before the deal was made with the council, in Jersey, a known tax haven.

“This is going to ruin the lives of the people in the area - this is appalling.”

Nearly 130 people objected to the scheme online in addition to a 190-signature petition filed last year but the developer says it will create 750 jobs.

Neil Dickinson, from the developers Evander Properties Ltd, said: “We are in absolute agreement with the planning officer’s recommendation having worked tirelessly on a suitable scheme for the residents and all of the other stake holders.

“I am pleased to confirm that all of the legally enforceable items in the resident’s wish list have been incorporated.” The motion was passed with three in favour, one against and one abstaining.

The panel agreed to delegate final authority for granting planning permission to senior planning officers.