A GRIEVING mother has revealed her “unbearable pain” after she watched the man responsible for her son’s death in a car crash avoid jail.

Amanda Smith said in a statement read out at Winchester Crown Court that she was inconsolable following the death of her 21-year-old son Joshua Perkins, who was killed in a collision on the A339 near Kingsclere, Basingstoke, on Sunday, May 3 last year.

The court heard that the former Basingstoke College of Technology student, who had hopes of becoming a nurse, died after Colin Davis, 59, drove his Vauxhall into Mr Perkins’ Ford Fiesta at around 7am, having lost control of his specially designed mobility car.

Davis, of Prescelly Close, Buckskin, arrived at court for sentencing last Friday on crutches, having pleaded guilty to death by careless driving.

Prosecutor Simon Edwards told the court that the wet conditions on May 3 had no impact on Davis’ driving that morning, but said witnesses had seen him driving too fast and failing to regain control of his car, before swerving and crashing with Mr Perkins’ car.

He added: “The vehicle was rounding the bend at speed and coming up the hill. Before it reached the road you could see it was driving too fast and the driver was trying to regain control of the vehicle.

“If it was not wet on the roads there still would have been an accident.”

A moving statement from Mr Perkins’ mother Ms Smith, who was in court for the sentencing, was read out.

She said: “You carry a pain in your heart and head and it makes life feel pointless. Life is not the same without him. The pain I feel is unbearable.”

A statement from Joanne Pritchard, Mr Perkins’ partner, added: “The day Josh died turned my life upside down. He will never walk back into our house again. Life isn’t worth living without Josh.”

Ms Pritchard said that since her partner’s death she had to take on a second job, working more than 60 hours a week just to keep up with the rent on the property that she shared with Mr Perkins in Ochill Close, Buckskin.

Defence barrister Ian Bridge told the court that Davis, who has a history of heart problems and mental health issues, was remorseful for his actions and would be unlikely to ever drive again.

Judge Keith Cutler sentenced Davis to a three year community order and disqualified him from driving for three years.

If Davis wants to drive again he will have to take a retest.

Judge Cutler said: “Josh was much loved, admired, gave much and had so much more to give. I hope the family can feel some good that from now Mr Davis will not be driving a vehicle again.”

Following the sentencing Ms Pritchard posted an emotional tribute to her late partner on Facebook, saying: “Josh didn’t deserve to die that day.”

She labelled the sentence “not justice” for Mr Perkins, adding: “This man has shown absolutely no remorse for his actions he has put myself and Josh’s family through absolute hell for the past 11 months.

“For now at least myself and the family can continue to grieve without having to worry about court hearings and having to see Colin Davis again.

“Josh will never be forgotten and he will be held in all our hearts forever. He was a good egg.”

Ms Pritchard said: “Myself and Josh’s family would like to thank the police and investigators for all their hard work.

“Unfortunately we didn’t get justice for Josh due to the shocking justice system but the police put so much effort into trying to do so and they always made sure we were kept informed and supported.”