A BAR in Southampton has been banned from selling alcohol after staff were caught serving children.

Hampshire Constabulary has imposed a closure order for Clowns Bar in Bevois Valley, which will be in place for ten days.

The order comes after the bar was caught selling alcohol to children aged 15 and 16 on three separate occasions in the last 10 months.

Police carried out test purchase operations with Trading Standards and the club failed this operation three times.

On each occasion staff members who sold the alcohol to youngsters were fined £90. The ban will start from Monday, April 18 and run until Wednesday, April 27 during which time Clowns will not be allowed to sell alcohol.

PC Jackie Cherry from the Licensing Department said: “It is important that licensees and their employees understand the harm that selling alcohol to young people can do, both to the individuals and to the local community.

“Selling alcohol to children will not be tolerated and we will continue to work with Trading Standards to protect children from harm and ensure licensees don't break the law.

“Anyone who has information about premises that sell alcohol to children should contact their local Neighbourhood Policing Team on 101.”