A YOUNG driver who killed a friend while 130 times the drug driving limit on the way back from a Hampshire music festival has been jailed for two years, a court heard.

Christopher Backhouse, the son of a former Tory mayor, was driving his friends home from Boomtown Festival in Winchester after consuming MDMA.

The 26-year-old was still high and lucky not to be dead from an overdose when he set out on the 270 mile journey home to Scarborough, North Yorkshire, after the rave.

At the time of the crash, on August 11. 2014, his dad Andrew Backhouse had just finishing his 2013-14 civic year as Mayor of Scarborough.

The son's Renault Clio careered off the A64 and overturned into a ditch near Tadcaster, North Yorkshire, at 3.30pm, killing superfit athlete 22-year-old Alex Baron instantly.

York Crown Court was told Backhouse was found to have a toxic - and potentially fatal level - of MDMA in his system, providing a reading 130 times the drug driving limit.

He then agreed to drive the 270 mile journey home to Scarborough with Alex and other friends, while still under the influence of the illegal substances, prosecutors said.

TC Zoe Billings, who led the investigation, said: "The amount of drugs found in Backhouse's system was simply staggering - the highest reading our force has ever seen.”

"Backhouse had a duty of care as the driver of the car to get his passengers to their destination safely and securely.

"The gamble he made very sadly resulted in the death of a young man."

The court heard Backhouse, who was also given a three year driving ban, had spent the weekend with his friends at the festival where Backhouse consumed a "large volume of illegal drugs".

TC Billings continued: "The length of sentence given to Backhouse should act as a warning to those who choose to take drugs and drive.”