THE FLAG of England flew high across Southampton when children stopped to mark St George's Day.

Hundreds of children from scout groups across the city packed into Guildhall Square yesterday when they took part in a service to mark the patron saint's day, on April 23.

Moments earlier families stood and watched with pride as boys and girls march in uniform with their friends from the Cenotaph in Watts Park to remember the nation’s and the scout movement's patron saint.

The HMS Sultan band led uniformed sections from 30 scouting groups along Above Bar Street to the square for an outdoor service conducted by District Chaplain Chris Davis.

Next weekend sees events taking place across the county to mark the day.

A spokesman for the district said that the founder of the scout movement Robert Baden-Powell chose St George to be the patron saint of the scouts.

They said: “He felt that the Saint George legend set a good example of faith, courage and perseverance for future generations.”