HERE it is – a gallery fit for a queen.

These are the entrants to the Daily Echo’s Paint the Queen competition.

Her Majesty has already been painted by world famous artists Lucian Freud to Andy Warhol and now it has been the turn of young Echo readers.

As Elizabeth II celebrates her 90th birthday tomorrow, we asked youngsters to help mark the historic occasion by producing a work of art and here they are.

While we can’t promise that the winning portraits will hang in in the National Gallery or Buckingham Palace, they will have pride of place in the Daily Echo’s show of loyalty to the Queen to help mark this special occasion.

The best picture in each category, for youngsters aged six and under, seven to 12 or 13-18, will be chosen by a panel of judges.

The winner will get a £50 voucher to help celebrate the royal birthday.

As well as these pictures the Daily Echo also received a poem written by nine-year-old Georgina Jones.

It read: "Queen, queen oh lovely queen, you make me smile "Like a bunny with Easter eggs for its tea "Oh queen you are a lovely queen "And you rule like a princess."