POLICE are looking for a thief who stole a car - but carefully removed an urn containing the owner's mother's ashes before stealing the vehicle.

A handbag was taken from a home in Hayling Island between 10.30pm on Monday and 6.05am on Tuesday.

Glass in the rear door of the home in South Road was smashed and a set of car keys were taken from the table.

The thief then stole the electric blue Audi Quattro S3, worth £30,000 and with a number plate starting HV16, which was parked on the driveway.

Before driving it away the thief removed an urn containing the owner's mother's ashes, which were in the car.

Investigating officer DC Jamie Fagan said: "I'd like to speak to anyone who may have seen the Audi since yesterday morning. It's a very distinctive colour and is almost brand new.

"Whoever broke in and stole the 60 year-old victim's handbag went to the trouble of removing an urn of ashes from the Audi when it was stolen.

"The ashes of the lady's late mother were carefully left outside the back door and whoever is responsible may have returned at a different time to do this after the burglary had taken place".

Anyone with information should contact the police on 101, quoting reference 44160147401.

Police are issuing safety advice to residents in the wake of the incident.

The advice includes: • In the summer, due to the hotter weather, windows that have been left open whilst people are in are often still left open when people leave their homes. Ensure that when you leave your property you have closed all your windows so no one can gain access. Also close windows for unattended rooms at night.

• Lock all front and rear doors at night and when you are out. If you have a UPVC door with a multi-point lock ensure you lift the handle and lock it with the key.

• Put all car keys and other keys are out of sight and not in reach of windows and letterboxes. It doesn't take much for the keys to be hooked through the letterbox.

• With the evenings being lighter for longer people are often out and about well into the evening. Again think about how your property looks, whether it will look unoccupied whilst you are out and could this look like an opportunity for a burglar. Timer switches can be useful for items such as lights or a radio in this instance.

• Ensure side gates are locked to prevent access to the rear of the property.

• Do not leave ladders and garden tools in your garden; lock them away in your shed.

• Have an intruder alarm system installed by an approved contractor. Ensure a visible alarm box is attached to the outside of your home. Also consider fitting security lighting.

• Use door chains and spyholes to give you extra security if someone knocks on your door. Never be afraid to turn people away. If you have concerns about anyone who has come to your door call the police.