CAMPAIGNERS are calling for the reinstatement of a civilian crime-buster who has been suspended after allegedly assaulting a 16-year-old boy.

More than 800 people have signed an online petition calling for Accredited Community Safety Officer Norman Bareham to be returned to duty.

They say his suspension has left Hythe with no ACSOs to deal with anti-social behaviour and other problems that arise in the evenings.

Community safety officers are employed by local authorities but wear police-style clothing and deal with issues such as littering, graffiti and the confiscation of alcohol, often through the use of on-the-spot fines.

The petition petition praises the way Mr Bareham and fellow ACSO Louise Brearley have performed their duties.

It says: "Norm and Lou are always around keeping an eye on the young people and doing everything they can to keep them out of trouble - and to stop them troubling others.

"Lou is on sick leave and Norm has been suspended from duty, meaning we have no ACSOs looking after the area in the evenings.

"The parish council are talking about bringing in a 'temporary' ACSO but, if they can find one, he or she is not going to know the youths in the way that Lou and Norm know them."

The petition says Mr Bareham has been accused of assaulting one a group of youths who gather in the village every evening.

It adds: "We need to show that we support the work he and Lou do for us and get them both back on the beat as soon as possible."

Mr Bareham is an employee of Hythe and Dibden Parish Council.

One of his supporters, who asked not to be named, said: "Norman has been amazing - the community can't do without him.

"He's always been very supportive and has done his best to resolve any issues that arise."

Asked about the alleged assault she said: "I don't believe for one minute that he's capable of doing such a thing.

"The local rumour is that the boy's family don't want to press charges. The whole thing should be dropped."

The chairman of the parish council, Cllr Chris Harrison, said Mr Bareham had been helping keep the village safe for at least six years.

He added: "Police are investigating an alleged assault that is said to have taken place in the centre of the village earlier this month."

A police spokesman said: "We are investigating a report of an assault on Hythe High Street which occurred on the evening of April 7.

"A 16-year-old boy reported that he was assaulted by a man. We're in the process of taking statements from those involved."

No arrests have been made in connection with the offence.

The parish clerk, Stephanie Bennett, declined to comment.