A CHARITY coordinator who hid his sordid past through tireless fundraising has been jailed for three years for historic sex offences.

Simon John Hall, who had a longstanding affiliation with Andover Wheelers, is now in prison after pleading guilty sex offences with a girl aged between 13 and 15.

He was most well-known for coordinating the Salisbury Plain Cycle Challenge and also claimed to be a part-time firefighter.

Hall was an ambassador for Naomi House and Jacksplace and helped to raise thousands of pounds for the children’s hospices.

Spokesman for Naomi House & Jacksplace, Keith Wilson, said: “We are aware of the recent sentencing of Simon Hall and can confirm that he assisted our fundraising teams on a voluntary basis.

“There has been no contact between Mr Hall and the charity since autumn of 2015.

“We are confident in the robustness of our safeguarding procedures and no one in our care has been put at risk.”

The offences took place between 1992 to 1994, when Hall was in his early twenties.

Hall, 46, of Cornfields, Andover, was given a three-year sentence during a hearing at Winchester Crown Court.

He was a one-year concurrent term on a charge of indecency with a child under 16 and was ordered to pay a £120, victim surcharge.

Hall pleaded not guilty to a number of other offences which will now be kept on his file.