A MAN who had unprotected sex with a 15-year-old autistic girl while on bail for impregnating another underage girl has been sent back to prison.

William Tollan-Townsend, 20, was jailed for 16 months in August last year for getting a 13-year-old girl pregnant after telling her he could not wear protection.

He only admitted that crime after DNA from the foetus matched his.

In July last year, just days before he was due in court to plead guilty to the underage sex, he invited a 15-year-old girl, who was on the autistic spectrum, to the park and persuaded her to have sex with him.

The two were on “friendly terms” and used to exchange messages on social media.

Winchester Crown Court heard how she was “reluctant” to have sex because he had a girlfriend, but he told her that they had broken up.

It was her first sexual encounter and Tollan-Townsend was described as being “persistent”.

After the incident he told the girl: “Don’t tell anyone because I’m already being done for having sex with an underage girl.”

Yet the girl told staff at her school the following day, who were able to obtain the morning after pill, and reported it to the police.

Nick Cotter, defending, said Tollan-Townsend had made a “reckless decision” and his judgement was affected by his impending court case.

Tollan-Townsend, from Bell Street, Andover, was charged by police just days before he was due to be released early on good behaviour.

In sentencing him to a further 18 months in jail, Recorder Alastair Malcolm QC at Salisbury Crown Court told him that it was a “serious case”.

He said the crime had been made worse by not wearing protection and that it was committed while on bail.

Tollan-Townsend is already on the sex offender register.