WINCHESTER will pay the first of what it hopes will become a unique annual tribute to one of its best-known characters.

The Hat Fair is staging a Ron Purse Memorial Pram Race in honour of Mr Purse, pictured right, who died last December.

Mr Purse, 71, known as the Burping Man, was a familiar sight around the city, often pushing a pram and was a regular attender at Hat Fair events.

The pram race will be the highlight of a series of events at Abbey Gardens tomorrow between 3-7.30pm.

Other attractions include a 40ft art wall, a skate ramp demonstration, music workshops and a curry stall put on by local restaurant, Tiffin Club.

Hat Fair director Sian Thomas said: "This year's Hat Fair is dedicated to Ron. We wanted to do something that was more than a one-off. We hope the race can be held year after year. We hope it will be a very lively way of remembering Ron.

"There are so many people who have stories about Ron. We hope this will become something lasting."

Mr Purse's family has presented a plaque to be presented every year to the best-turned out school in the Hat Fair's annual Schools Day.