ORIGINALLY known as the Royal Pier Recreation Ground, Mayflower Park has long been a part of life in Southampton as a place to relax, spot passing ships and as a venue for outdoor events.

Built in the 1930s on land reclaimed from mud flats, ambitious plans were in place for the Royal Pier recreation ground, and the record books of 1938 gave a glimpse of what might have been.

“The reclaimed land between the pier and the first of the Test Quays, No. 101, is to become a place of public resort,” said records from the time.

“Provision is made for a small car park near the entrance; a sunken garden, surrounded by rock gardens and enclosing an ornamental pond with a fountain, which forms the approach.

“Model yachtsmen will at last see the fruition of their dreams, for the central figure is a model yacht lake planned to catch the prevailing south west wind. It will be surrounded by paving and grass.

“At the north west corner there will be a bandstand and pavilion facing the lake, simply designed shelter will be placed along the paved terraces overlooking the waterfront with seating for 275 people.

“There will be a children’s playground, sandpits and, to give a separate entrance to that area, a bridge over Docks Road is suggested.”

The Second World War ensued, and the majority of the plans were never realised.

In the early 1950s a promenade and children’s play area were constructed, and in 1955 the area was renovated, the car park made smaller and the name changed to Mayflower Park.

By the early 1960s, the council had laid 6,000 tons of top-soil to provide grass areas and to establish a putting green.

It wasn’t long until the park had a paddling pool with a concrete ship, a sand pit, play equipment, and telescopes to look across the water with. The pool has since closed.

A skate park was constructed in 1997, giving boarders, bladers and BMX riders somewhere to perfect their skills.

The council confirmed in 1999 it was looking at inviting a company to develop a theme park on the waterfront.

Special events manager Sue Cheriton said: “We want to have the really big white-knuckle rides in the city, the sort of thing people otherwise have to travel miles to.”

Sadly for thrillseekers, this never came to fruition, although the Mayflower still remains a place where many go to sunbathe, skate, or simply watch the world go by.