POLICE had to fire off a Taser after an officer was assaulted in a late-night attack.

A 19-year-old committed criminal damage and assaulted the police officer in Eastleigh High Street on Tuesday (August 1).

A Taser was also discharged during the incident which resulted in a 45-year-old woman being arrested.

Although used, police could not confirm who the Taser was discharged against or at what time.

Community members nearby at the time described police cars and a van screeching in alleyways behind the street and arguing as officers raced to the scene.

A statement from Hampshire Constabulary said: “We were called at 10.29pm on 1 August to a public order incident in Eastleigh High Street.

“A 19-year-old man from Eastleigh was arrested in connection with an assault on a police officer and criminal damage.

“We can confirm that a Taser was discharged.”

A man, who did not want to be named, said: “I heard that a police car screeched its tyres in the alleyway behind the High Street because they know there’s lots of passages here.

“I think there were two cars and one van and it was towards the north of the street.”

Another member of the public added: “All I heard was some arguing down the other end of the road as I was working at the time.

“I don’t know what it was about or what happened, but there was a lot of noise and screaming.”

Police confirmed that the 19-year-old had been given a police caution for both the assault and criminal damage during the public order incident.

The 45-year-old woman remains in custody.