A LIFEBOAT crew is appealing for public support in getting its one and only vessel back on the water.

Solent Rescue's lifeboat is out of action following a fire onboard last month - and the crew needs to raise thousands of pounds to get it back in working order and able to save lives once again.

The lifeboat, based at Lepe, suffered an electrical fire when it was sent to help a capsized catamaran in the Solent in July. It was trying to pull the catamaran into its correct position when the fire broke out due to the pressure of trying to upturn the large vessel.

Damaged The fire has left the boat too damaged to work, as it needs new wiring and new tubing.

Solent Rescue, which patrols a 30 square mile area of the Solent, is desperate for help in raising the thousands of pounds it needs to carry out the repairs.

Ian Blomquist, senior coxswain, said: "We simply cannot be a lot of help at the moment. We are doing our best, but it's galling that we haven't got a boat on the water.

"Normally, we would launch our boat first thing in the morning and anchor just off Lepe beach. Then, if we get a call, we can be out on patrol within five to 10 minutes.

"But the boat is literally out of action at the moment. It needs new tubing, the engine needs to be checked over to make sure no impurities got inside and new wiring needs to be put in. It's about £8,000 worth of damage altogether.

"We would welcome any donations from the public and, when we say every penny helps, we mean it."

For the time being, Solent Rescue is providing first aid cover and a lookout watch from Lepe.