PATIENTS in Hampshire have some of the best access to GP services in the country, according to the results of a Department of Health survey.

The county scored highly when patients were asked whether they were given a choice of hospital for specialist treatment.

More than 90 per cent of Hampshire participants in the 2006-2007 national GP patient survey said they were satisfied with how easily they could contact their practice by phone, and 89 per cent had been able to see a GP within 48 hours of the request.

When asked if they had been able to book an appointment ahead, 79 per cent confirmed they had and 91 per cent said they were able to book an appointment with a doctor of their choice.

The survey also found that 96 per cent of those who needed to be referred to a specialist had been offered a choice of hospital for their care.

Julia Bagshaw, head of primary care contracting said: "We are really pleased with the excellent results of this survey.

"There are, however, a few practices who have a little more work to do, but the PCT will be offering support to those practices over the coming months.

"The survey results reflect the commitment of GPs and practice teams across the county to meet the needs of patients."