YOUNG offenders are to be offered jobs in council departments as part of a pioneering new scheme.

Hampshire County Council has joined with Wessex Youth Offending Team to offer work experience placements for young people leaving custody and at risk of offending.

They will then have the opportunity to apply for jobs and apprenticeships at the council.

The project is also aimed at helping other socially excluded groups, such as young people leaving council care and adults with learning disabilities.

The pilot scheme is being funded with a £220,000 grant from the Learning and Skills Council.

The funds will be used to employ officers to develop a range of work experience placements in council departments and specialist support workers.

Council leader Councillor Ken Thornber said: "The evidence shows us that one of the most effective things we can do to reduce re-offending is to assist young people in getting and maintaining full-time training and employment.

"The benefits to the community in terms of crime reduction can be enormous. Hampshire County Council are really leading the way in developing this with the youth offending team."

A council report said all young offenders given placements would be risk-assessed and screened "to ensure that any risk they presented to the public or staff was properly managed".