TV personality Ben Fogle showed the race was on before it had even started when he jumped on board a Fastnet yacht in South-ampton.

He joined crew members on nature charity WWF's MAC Mission, which is sailing in the 608-mile challenge on Sunday to raise awareness of the need to protect the marine environment.

The star of Animal Park and Extreme Dreams, who is an ambassador for the charity, said there was a race against time to safeguard Britain's coastal waters.

He said: "During Cowes Week attention is focused on the thousands of yachts racing in the Solent. But beneath the waves lies a multitude of marine species that are already under threat.

"Currently only about two per cent of the UK's marine wildlife is protected. It is vital that a Marine Bill is introduced in the next Queen's Speech."

The yacht is currently moored in Ocean Village before it sets sail from Cowes on the race to Fastnet Rock off southern Ireland.

WWF senior marine policy officer Jan Brown hopes that by the time it crosses the finish line at Plymouth the organisation's message will have been drilled home.

"We know that there is overwhelming support for a new Marine Act," she said.