DETECTIVES in Fareham are hunting a serial sex attacker responsible for a string of indecent assaults on teenage girls.

The man has attacked four youngsters aged between 13 and 15 since the start of April, though so far the victims have all managed to escape unharmed after struggling.

The attacker is described by police as a smartly dressed man who always runs off when his victim starts to fight.

However detectives also say that though they do not want to cause panic, they are concerned that unless he is caught his behaviour may get worse.

The latest attack happened on Friday August 3 when a 14-year-old girl was attacked on a footpath leading to St Christopher's Avenue in Fareham.

She told police that shortly after 5.15pm as she was walking along the pathway she was grabbed from behind by a man, but after she started struggling with him he let her go and ran off.

The suspect is described as white, in his 30s to early 40s, of medium build, between 5ft 6ins and 5ft 10ins tall, short brown hair, possibly combed back or styled with gel.

A police spokesman added: "The suspect is also dressed smartly during the incidents. He wears long sleeved shirts of varying colours including purple, blue and pink. Also wears black trousers and smart black shoes."

Detective Inspector Dave Smith said: "Given the smart appearance of this man and the e-fits we have produced, someone should recognise him.

"While we do not want to cause public alarm, we are concerned about this man's behaviour and want to find him as soon as possible.

"Each incident follows the same pattern - he grabs the girl but is scared off when she struggles. None of the girls have been injured but all have been left shaken and distressed by their ordeal.

"If anyone has seen a man fitting the description or has any information about him, I would urge them to contact us as soon as possible as we urgently want to trace him.

"I would like to reassure the public that we are actively investigating these incidents and committed to finding the man responsible.

"While we do not want to cause young girls to worry unnecessarily, these incidents do serve as a reminder to think about personal safety; consider walking in pairs, stick to busy, well-lit areas and shout loudly if someone tries to grab at you."

Anyone with information should contact Fareham CID on 0845 045 45 45 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.