SINGING, acting and dancing starlet Isabelle Elsden is just six years old - and is also the newest entry to the Daily Echo's Hampshire's Top Talent competition.

High School Musical fan Izzy dreams of being a star of the stage.

The Springhill Primary School pupil has made a great start on achieving her sparkling ambitions.

She lives in Sholing with her parents, two sisters and a brother.

There is a great deal of artistic talent in the family, with older sister Fran also harbouring dreams of an acting career.

This not Izzy's first appearance in the Daily Echo either. She was pictured as Snow White for World Book Day at her school last year.

Izzy likes to listen to pop band McFly and also lists singer Shakira as one of her favourite artists.

Izzy's mum, Marta, of Middle Road, Sholing, said: "She loves High School Musical, she knows every song inside out."