SHE'S calling herself the real Lily of the Valley - and looking at Genevieve Bailey's blooms it's no surprise.

Nearly 150 beautiful, fragrant flowers have bloomed on nine stems in one garden pot - and Southampton historian Genevieve is delighted.

Now she is ready to reveal the secret ingredient that has encouraged their growth in her Inner Avenue garden. She proudly admits to reading the Daily Echo to her prize plant.

"They are oriental lilies called Mediterannee. Last year I had seven stems and this year there are nine.

"I don't do anything special with them - and I leave them out over the winter.

"The only thing I do for them is read to them from the Daily Echo," she said.

Genevieve, 50, of Methuen Street, said the flowers seemed to particularly like to hear about the adventures of the Daily Echo editor Ian Murray in his regular column in the Weekend Magazine on Saturdays.

"They love to know what the Little Miss Ms have been up to," she said.

The sheltered nature of her garden has enabled the plants to thrive and Genevieve has now thrown down the gauntlet to any other gardeners.

"I live close to Bevois Valley - and now I think I should be known as Lily of the Valley.

"I defy anyone to come forth with bigger or better blooms," she said.