CRIME busting cameras are set to roll at Hamble as part of a crackdown on the yob behaviour which is threatening to swamp the yachting mecca.

Parish council chiefs, who have given the go-ahead for CCTV at various locations throughout the village, are hoping that it will prevent the attacks which have threatened to escalate in the village.

The move also comes after the Daily Echo reported how a gang of youths launched an unprovoked booze fuelled attack which left a 31-year-old man with head injuries.

He needed hospital treatment after a gang of ten youths assaulted him at Hamble after he was walking home after a night out with pals.

It was not until residents from a nearby house came to his rescue that the barrage of blows to his head stopped and the gang fled.

The incident is the latest in a string of similar attacks in the quiet village. They are believed to have been carried out by the same group of youths.

Police have stepped up patrols in the village in response to the reports. CCTV has been used in the past but now the parish council is spending about a £6,500 a year to extend the coverage.

The CCTV cameras are planned for Coronation Parade, the Foreshore, and the pavilions at College Playing Fields and Mount Pleasant.

It is also hoped that they will stop the graffiti and vandal attacks which have also plagued the village.

In a recent incident racist vandals daubed sheds and play equipment with offensive graffiti.