VESSELS leaving Hampshire's ports are being warned about food restrictions over foot and mouth disease.

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency has added information to their regular Maritime Safety Information Broadcasts to inform both industrial and recreational sailors of the conditions put in place since the outbreak of the disease on a farm in Surrey.

Following the European restrictions on the export of meat and dairy products, the Government has put a ban on taking meat and dairy food from the UK ashore in other countries.

The restrictions also apply to any human waste that comes from eating meat or dairy products.

The message from the Southampton-based MCA states: "Following the presence of foot and mouth disease in one single area in the UK, and the EU restrictions on the export of meat and dairy products from the UK, the UK Government has advised that meat and meat products, milk and dairy products sourced within Great Britain for consumption onboard any vessel including recreational craft should not be landed abroad, nor any waste stemming from the consumption of these products."

"Those vessels unable to return the waste to the UK for safe disposal should consult the receiving port to ensure that local biosecurity measures are observed."