COUNCIL chiefs had to drop ambitious plans to make a gym one of the best in the county for disabled users because it was already £170,000 in the red.

Liberal Democrats in Fawley were responding to criticism over their decision to abandon the plans for Gang Warily gym, in Blackfield.

Proposals to relocate the gym to a bigger room and install state-of-the-art equipment, including machines for disabled users, have been shelved by the Liberal Democrat-ruled Fawley Parish Council. The former Conserva-tive council had given the plans the thumbs-up.

Now, Lib Dem councillor Lee Dunsdon is urging the community to work together to help save the facility.

He is concerned that a political fight will further damage the prospects for Gang Warily.

Cllr Dunsdon, who is also a Hampshire county councillor, said: "Gang Warily was developed at a time when the local authority benefited from business rates paid directly into council coffers from the nearby oil refinery. However, the Conservative Government changed the system so the funds went into central Government accounts, leaving Fawley Parish Council much worse off.

"I was elected on to Fawley Parish Council this May and was shocked to find out that the annual operating deficit for Gang Warily has now risen to £170,000. I suspect most local people will also have been unaware of this.

"The new council has decided to shelve over-ambitious and risky plans for the Gang Warily facility.

"However, the best way forward is for us to look at how we can better utilise council facilities, and make them profitable but still affordable to local people.

"Any improvement will be undertaken by careful analysis of the finances. We simply cannot add to the burden on the taxpayers."